The Wood Science Foundation (FATA) was founded by the Wood Science Association in 1992 with the aim of supporting the efforts of the Faculty of Wood Engineering at the University of Sopron through broad professional and social cooperation, scientific research and education in wood science, including the promotion of wood products, practical education, further education, dissemination of knowledge and artistic activities using wood.

Key activities

  • Publishing specialised books and publications presenting and promoting the domestic timber industry
  • Further education and training courses in woodworking
  • Organising and running professional events and forums
  • Expanding the network between the university and professional organisations, initiating joint project participation
  • Strengthening the internal cohesion of the profession, promoting professional cooperation
  • Awareness raising linked to the environmental education programme
  • Establishing and maintaining media relations, strengthening electronic information presence
  • Building and maintaining relations with partner organisations and international partners

In order to promote the development of the timber industry and cooperation, the Foundation must plan its commitments and priorities from year to year, bearing in mind its fundamental objectives and considering the needs, professional expectations and opportunities for applications. Greater emphasis should be placed on more active cooperation within the sector and in the cross-border region by expanding contacts.

Successful programme-based, task-centred implementations are inconceivable without the cooperation and strategic alliance of higher education institutions, professional organisations and the business sector. The continuous interaction between these three entities is also strengthened by the representative composition of the Foundation’s governing body (Board of Trustees), as the University of West Hungary and the business representation are represented by professionals from all professional associations according to their company profile.

The programmes undertaken and jointly implemented will also foster the development of a cooperative, strategic alliance between the university, professional organisations and industry players. It will lay the foundations for launching programmes on an increasingly larger scale in the future.


Soproni Egyetem, Faipari Mérnöki és Kreatívipari kar

Pannon Fa- és Bútoripari Klaszter


Fagazdasági Országos Szakmai Szövetség


Bútorvállalkozók Országos Szakmai Szövetsége

Magyar Bútor és Faipari Szövetség Országos Erdészeti Egyesület


Zala Megyei Vállalkozásfejlesztési Alapítvány

Foundation mission

A comparison of economic trends and forms of cooperation suggests that the catalytic role of civil society organisations will increase, if the "opportunities" forecast is to be believed. The role of research, education, construction, innovation and public relations, as well as the strengthening of people-to-people links, are all of key importance. Hence the Foundation's vision of an organisation that can contribute to each of these areas through its professionalism, representation, organisational flexibility, networking and networking systems, and effective project implementation.